Ethan Bronner, foreign editor of the New York Times, will address "Ethical and Other Dilemmas Faced by News Organizations in the Middle East" Wednesday, Feb. 23, at noon in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium.
BYU is one of more than 1,000 schools nationwide to benefit from the New York Times Partners in Education program that is sponsoring this lecture.
According to the Times, BYU has one of the largest numbers of individual subscribers, with more than 800 students and faculty members subscribing each semester and 20 professors who require the Times as an educational resource in their courses.
Bronner was named education editor at the Times in 1999 where he had been a national correspondent and reporter of trends in higher education since September 1997.
From 1985 until 1997, Bronner worked at the Boston Globe. He served as a Middle East correspondent, based in Jerusalem, and he served as a Supreme Court and legal affairs correspondent in Washington, D.C.
This lecture is sponsored by the New York Times and will be archived online. For information on Kennedy Center events, see the calendar and News and Events online at
Writer: Lee Simons