Will open with Oct. 13 lecture by Church history professor Fred Woods
“Mormon Migration 1840-1930, ” a new exhibit highlighting the movement of early pioneers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will open Monday, Oct. 10, in the level 3 exhibit space of the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University.
Visitors will be able to view a dress from the Willie Handcart Company and period children’s toys from Brigham Young’s estate, as well as a handcart replica. Patrons are invited to visit the space before Nov. 30, when the display will close.
On Thursday, Oct. 13, BYU professor of Church history Fred Woods will speak in the library auditorium on level 1 at 2 p.m. Woods’ remarks are titled “The Sail Before the Trail or Have We Missed the Boat?” and will tell the inspiring story of European converts who gathered to Zion in the 19th century.
Based on many captivating first person immigrant accounts, Woods will provide a powerful sketch of why these converts left their homelands, arranged for their travel, endured storms at sea and of their joy entering the Salt Lake Valley. Admission to the exhibit and lecture are free.
“Mormon Migration 1840-1930” is the sixth of seven exhibits to celebrate 50 years of the Lee Library’s current site. Throughout the year visitors to the level 3 exhibit space will be able to learn about collecting, preservation and history, as well as see some of the treasures of the BYU collection.
For more information, contact Roger Layton at 801-422-6687 or roger_layton@byu.edu.
Writer: Melissa Connor