D. Kelly Ogden, professor of ancient scripture, will give an address titled "The Miracle of Repentance" at the first summer term Brigham Young University campus devotional Tuesday, June 25, at 11:05 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall.
The devotional will be broadcast live on the BYU Broadcasting channels and online at byutv.org. Rebroadcast information can be found through byutv.org/schedule. Archived devotionals are available at speeches.byu.edu.
Summer term devotionals will also be broadcast on campus in F-201 Harris Fine Arts Center, the Joseph Smith Building Auditorium and the Varsity Theater in the Wilkinson Student Center.
Ogden has taught courses at BYU in Hebrew, Old and New Testament, writings of Isaiah, the Bible as literature, history of the ancient Near East, biblical and modern geography of the Holy Land, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.
For 14 years he helped administer BYU’s study programs in the Holy Land. He led groups of students on field study trips throughout Israel, Palestine, the Sinai, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Greece, including retracing the “three-days’ journey” of Abraham and Isaac from Beersheba to Mount Moriah.
For more information, contact D. Kelly Ogden at (801) 422-3978.
Writer: Hwa Lee