Joseph D. Parry, an associate dean in the College of Humanities, will speak Tuesday, June 6, at 11:05 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall for a Brigham Young University campus devotional.
Live broadcasts will be available on KBYU-TV (Channel 11), BYU Television, KBYU-FM (89.1), BYU Radio and, as well as on campus in the Joseph Smith Building Auditorium, F-201 Harris Fine Arts Center and the Varsity Theater in the Wilkinson Student Center. Rebroadcast information is available at
A graduate of BYU and the University of Utah, Parry will discuss "What it Means to be a Christian."
Parry, an associate professor in the Department of Humanities, Classics and Comparative Literature, specializes in medieval and Renaissance studies with an additional interest in the relationship between visual art and phenomenology. He also belongs to several societies, including the Renaissance Society of America, the New Chaucer Society and the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association.
Writer: Elizabeth Kasper