Janet Bradford, music and dance cataloger for the Harold B. Lee Library, will give a Brigham Young University devotional address titled “Carry On!” held Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 11:05 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall.
The devotional will be broadcast live on the BYU Broadcasting channels and online at byub.org
Bradford has been a librarian at BYU for 25 years. She recently returned to cataloging music and dance materials after serving as department chair of the music and dance area. She is also a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
An active member of the Music Library Association since the mid-1980s, Bradford has participated in many committees, was coordinator of the Film Music Roundtable and served as vice-chair, chair and past-chair of the regional chapter. She is also a member of the Utah Library Association and the Mormon History Association.
Although she has diverse music tastes, her passion is in film music. She has given many presentations at national and local meetings to promote collections found in the library, including those of composers Max Steiner, Hugo Friedhofer and John Addison. She co-authored the article on Max Steiner for the “New Grove Dictionary/Grove Music Online,”wrote the Steiner entry for “Dictionary of American Biography”and contributed liner notes for “She,” a CD produced by the BYU Film Music Archive.
Over the past few years, Bradford has focused her research on LDS music, recently presenting “Music Beginnings in the St. George Area: Modeling for Cultural Development in Other Early Mormon Settlements?” and “Songs of the Heart: Collecting Sacred and Popular Mormon Music.”
Raised in Geneva, Idaho, Bradford received a bachelor’s degree in music theory from BYU with post-graduate studies in musicology. She received her master’s degree in library and information sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
For more information, contact Janet Bradford at (801) 422-7653 or janet_bradford@byu.edu
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Writer: Mel Gardner