A Brigham Young Univesity Global Awareness lecture, “Integration of Muslims in European Society,” will be jointly presented by Paolo Branca and Antonio Cuciniello, senior researchers and assistant professors in Arabic and Islamic studies at the Catholic University of Milan Wednesday, Dec. 13 at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
The presentation, to be given in both Italian and English, is free, and the public is welcome.
Branca and Cuciniello are experts in Islamic studies and have been conducting research and providing community service among Italy’s Muslim immigrant population.
In addition to his post at the Catholic University of Milan, Branca has taught at the University of Turin and the University of Pavia. Branca received a certificate in Arabic from the Institute of Middle and Far Eastern Studies in Milan (1980), a laureate degree with honors in oriental languages from the University of Venice Ca' Foscari (1982).
Cuciniello received a laurea degree in comparative studies in Arabic and English from the Instituto Universitario Orientale in Napoli (2000) and a certificate in Arabic studies (2001) and a degree in Arabic and Islamic studies, both from the Pontifical Institute for the Study of Arabic and Islam in Rome.
This lecture will be archived online. For more information on David M. Kennedy Center events, see the calendar online at kennedy.byu.edu.
Writer: Lee Simons