Jessica Kaiser, chief osteologist at Ancient Egypt Research Associates at the University of California, Berkeley, will present “Graves of the Paupers? The Late Period Cemetery at Giza” during a Brigham Young University David M. Kennedy Center lecture Thursday, Oct. 22, at 11 a.m. in 2113 Jesse Knight Building.
A native of Sweden, Kaiser will dscribe her research on the Late Period Cemetery of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project for which she has been the chief osteologist since 2000. Kaiser’s special research interests include the social archaeology of funerary remains.
In 2006, she became a member of the Berkeley Hibeh expedition, and since 2005, she has also been responsible for curriculum development and teaching of the bioarchaeology specialization in Egypt at the Ancient Egypt Research Associates and American Research Center field school in Giza and Luxor.
Kaiser received a master’s degree in osteology and Egyptology from the University of Stockholm, and has since worked extensively as an osteologist and field archaeologist mainly in Egypt, but also in Sweden and California.
This lecture will be archived online. For more information on events sponsored by the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, see the calendar online at
For more information about this lecture, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652.
Writer: Ricardo Castro