His Excellency Peter Taksoe-Jensen, ambassador of Denmark to the United States and the United Nations, will discuss “Denmark and U.S. Relations” Monday, April 8, at 2 p.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building at Brigham Young University.
Taksoe-Jensen was appointed ambassador in September 2010. He previously served as the Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs at the United Nations in 2008.
He has also served in various posts of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including undersecretary for legal affairs and head of the Legal Service (2003-08), head of section at the Department for Legal Service (1999-2003), and head of section at the Department for Security Policy (1992-95).
This lecture will be archived at kennedy.byu.edu/archive. For more information, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652 or lee_simons@byu.edu.
Writer: Hwa Lee