Tyler Volk, professor of biology at New York University, will be speaking at Brigham Young University’s David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies Friday, Feb. 12, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
His subject will be “CO2 Rising: The World’s Greatest Environmental Challenge.”
Volk received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Michigan and his master’s degree and doctorate from New York University in applied science.
After his undergraduate education, Volk worked for a number of years as a private builder during which he published technical notes on a solar-heated bath that he designed, tested and constructed.
He has also worked for NASA building math models for future space projects. He continues research in neurobiology, consciousness and expressions of human patterns. He also studies efficiencies of various ecosystems and metapatterns, which are patterns of patterns.
For more information, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652.
Writer: Brandon Garrett