The Brigham Young University Motion Picture Archive Film Series, part of the L. Tom Perry Special Collections, will show “The Bishop’s Wife” starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven and Monty Woolley Friday, Nov. 30, in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium on level one.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie will be shown at 7 p.m. The movie runs for one hour and 49 minutes. The event is free and open to the public.
This enchanting fantasy is about an angel sent to help the marriage of a Protestant bishop preoccupied with raising funds for a new cathedral at the expense of his neglected wife.
Add the “Godwyn touch” that meant fine production values — including Gregg Toland’s marvelous photography, a now-legendary score by Hugo Friedhofer and direction by Henry Koster — and you have a timeless Christmas classic the touches the heart with authenticity.
For more information, contact James D’Arc, (801) 422-6371,
Writer: Preston Wittwer