Larry Lohmann, founding member of the Durban Group for Climate Justice, will present “Carbon Trading: Solution to Climate Change or Corporate Resource Grab?” Friday, Feb. 8, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building at Brigham Young University.
Lohmann is learning more about U.S. carbon trading plans and climate politics and will be sharing his experiences about the failure of the trade in Europe, India, Brazil, Ugandan and other areas of the world.
In response to the climate crisis, the Durban Group traveled to Durban, South Africa, in 2004, to explore the role of carbon trading. In 1997, he also worked in the UK with the Corner House, a research and solidarity organization. Previously, he lived and worked in Thailand, where his focus was on teaching and working with local environmental groups.
His articles have appeared in such journals as Science as Culture, New Scientist, Asian Survey, International Journal of Pollution and Environment, Development Dialogue, Red Pepper and Watershed, and have included topics such as globalization, racism, environmental conflict in Southeast Asia and the discourses of population and neoclassical economics.
This lecture will be archived online. For more information on David M. Kennedy Center events, see the calendar online at
Writer: David Luker