Beth Vaughan Cole, dean of the Brigham Young University College of Nursing, will be inducted into the American Academy of Nursing as one of its 2008 Fellows during the Academy’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Induction Banquet in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Nov. 8.
“The American Academy of Nursing consists of 1,500 distinguished Fellows who are nurse leaders from education, management, research and clinical practice,” said BYU nursing professorand Fellow Lynn C. Callister. “Fellowship in the academy is considered to be the highest honor that a nurse can receive.”
The honor is not only recognizes Dean Cole's accomplishments within the nursing profession, but it also affords her the opportunity to work with other leaders in health care in addressing the issues of the day.
She was nominated for the honor by two current academy Fellows and was selected by the academy’s 15-member Fellow Selection Committee for her outstanding achievements in the nursing profession.
“This recognition is given for a body of work that reflects what Dean Cole has done for many years,” BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson said. “It’s a genuine reflection of how she is esteemed by colleagues and requires nominators who work to make their case, which is evidence of their high regard for her.”
Born in Michigan, Dean Cole grew up mostly in Cincinnati. She received her bachelor of science in nursing degree from the University of Cincinnati. Two years later she received her master of science degree from Boston University with a focus on child psychiatric nursing. She later moved to Salt Lake City and completed her doctorate at BYU in family studies.
Cole worked full time for the University of Utah College of Nursing before becoming the dean of BYU College of Nursing. In her former position at the University of Utah, she served as professor and director of Caring Connections: A Hope and Comfort Grief Program sponsored by the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Cole is the third FAAN inductee from BYU. Former dean Elaine D. Dyer was inducted in 1975 and Lynn C. Callister was inducted in 2003. Visiting professor Gwen van Servellen is also a Fellow.
The mission of the American Academy of Nursing is to serve the public and nursing profession by advancing health policy and practice through the generation, synthesis and dissemination of nursing knowledge.
Writer: Rose Ann Jarrett