BYU welcomes new faculty members - BYU News Skip to main content

BYU welcomes new faculty members

The following individuals have joined the BYU faculty since January 2006. For more information on this list, contact Richard Williams, associate academic vice president for faculty, at ext. 2-3567.

JOYCE ADAMS, assistant teaching professor, family, home and social sciences; BYU.

MATTHEW G. ANCELL, instructor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; University of California-Irvine.

MARIA ARCIDIACONO, visiting assistant professor, French and Italian; former faculty in Allesandria, Italy.

DAMON L. BAHR, associate professor, teacher education; former faculty at UVSC.

SCOTT A. BALDWIN, assistant professor, psychology; intern, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

JENNIFER BARTON, visiting assistant professor, visual arts; former part-time faculty at BYU.

LAWRENCE W. BASSIST, visiting assistant teaching professor, statistics; former senior staff statistician, Intel Corporation.

DANN R. BATTISTONE, athletic coach, athletics; BYU.

STEPHEN M. BAY, assistant professor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ROY A. BEAN, associate professor, family life; former faculty at Texas Tech University.

DENA BEHRMANN, assistant teaching professor, nursing; former nurse at University of Texas Medical School.

DENISE A. BODMAN, visiting assistant professor, family life; Arizona State University.

STERLING A. BONE, assistant professor, business management; Oklahoma State University.

ANNALEEN BRAITHWAITE, visiting assistant professor, music; former part-time faculty at BYU.

MICHAEL JOSIAH CALL, instructor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; Yale University.

PAMELA CANTRELL, associate professor, teacher education; former faculty at the University of Nevada-Reno.

KAREN E. CARTER, assistant professor, history; Georgetown University.

RAJ CHETTY, visiting instructor, English; BYU.

HOWARD B. CLEAVINGER, visiting assistant professor, psychology; former post-doctoral fellow at Dartmouth Medical School.

AMI J. COMEFORD, visiting instructor, English; University of Nevada at Las Vegas.

DOUGLAS L. COREY, instructor, mathematics education; University of Michigan.

REBECCA DE SCHWEINITZ, assistant professor, history; University of Virginia.

INNA DODGE, visiting special instructor, linguistics and English language; BYU.

DAVID L. ERICKSON, assistant professor, microbiology and molecular biology; Visiting Fellow, National Institutes of Health.

LANCE D. ERICKSON, assistant professor, sociology; University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

SCOTT C. ESPLIN, assistant professor, Church history and doctrine; BYU.

NORMAN W. EVANS, assistant professor, linguistics and English language; former faculty at BYU-Hawaii.

JAMES E. FENN, visiting instructor, technology; former project manager, Artistic Builders Corporation.

VANESSA FITZGIBBON, assistant professor, Spanish and Portuguese; University of Wisconsin-Madison.

KEVIN J. GIDDINS, associate teaching professor, Marriott School of Management; formerly training consultant with Franklin Covey.

SALLY GILES, visiting instructor, English; BYU.

JOEL S. GRIFFITTS, assistant professor, microbiology and molecular biology; postdoctoral at Stanford University.

BREANNE GROVER, visiting instructor, English; BYU.

PAMELA HALLAM, instructor, educational leadership and foundations; former director of curriculum and instruction, Alpine School District.

YOUNG WAN HAM, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry; former senior research scientist, Molecular Therapeutics Inc.

KRISTIN LANG HANSEN, assistant clinical professor, counseling and career center; former private practice clinical psychologist, Cambridge.

MATTHEW L. HARPER, visiting instructor, French and Italian; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

AMY B. HARRIS, assistant professor, history; University of California-Berkeley.

GUS L. HART, associate professor, physics and astronomy; former faculty at Northern Arizona University.

J. DEE HIGLEY, professor, psychology; former section chief, National Institutes of Health.

FERYAL HIJAZI, visiting instructor, Asian and Near Eastern Languages; instructor of Arabic at Jordan University.

JAIME V. HILL, assistant athletic professional, athletics; former co-defensive coordinator/secondary for Ottawa Renegades.

BRADFORD W. HOLLAND, visiting professor, visual arts; professional illustrator.

WADE J. HOLLINGSHAUS, instructor, theatre and media arts; University of Minnesota.

ERIN K. HOLMES, visiting assistant professor, family life; University of Texas at Austin.

HEATHER HOWARD, visiting instructor, economics; Cornell University.

BRYAN F. HOWELL, associate professor, technology; former president of Pure Design Labs, Park City.

JIAMIN HUANG, associate professor, dance; former part-time faculty at BYU.

JEFFREY S. HURST, clinical instructor, athletics; former administrative employee at BYU.

KAREN M. JACKSON, instructor, educational leadership and foundations; Indiana University.

A. WAYNE JOHNSON, instructor, exercise sciences; BYU.

CHRISTOPHER T. JONES, visiting instructor, political science; Manchester Metropolitan University.

SUZANNE JULIAN, associate librarian, Harold B. Lee Library; former faculty at SUU.

CHRISTOPHER F. KARPOWITZ, assistant professor, political science; Princeton University.

R. WILLIAM KEACH II, visiting associate professor, geological sciences; technical sales manager, Landmark Graphics/Magic Earth.

THOMAS A. KNOTTS IV, assistant professor, chemical engineering; University of Wisconsin-Madison.

JARED W. LUDLOW, associate professor, ancient scripture; former faculty at BYU-Hawaii.

NEIL R. LUNDBERG, assistant professor, recreation management and youth leadership; Indiana University.

PETER M. MADSEN, assistant professor, organizational leadership and strategy; University of California-Berkeley.

KRISTINE E. MARTIN, assistant teaching professor, nursing; former cancer research coordinator at the University of Virginia.

CHRISTOPHER A. MATTSON, assistant professor, mechanical engineering; former director of Engineering Design and Research, ATL Technology.

ROBB M. McCOLLUM, visiting special instructor, linguistics and English language; BYU.

BENJAMIN L. McMURRY, visiting special instructor, linguistics and English language; former instructor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

RYAN M. MILLAR, assistant athletic professional, athletics; former professional volleyball player.

JOSHUA MORZELEWSKI, assistant athletic professional, athletics; former coach at Northern Arizona University.

KERRY M. MUHLESTEIN, assistant professor, ancient scripture; former faculty at BYU-Hawaii.

REID L. NEILSON, assistant professor, church history and doctrine; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

SHAWN G. NEVERS, assistant law librarian; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

CORWIN L. NIMER, assistant librarian, Harold B. Lee Library; former library technician, Sanger Unified School District.

MARIA TERESA NOWAK, visiting associate professor, mathematics; faculty at Marie Curie-Sklodowska University.

ROYDON S. OLSEN, visiting instructor, Spanish and Portuguese; former part-time faculty at BYU.

JOHN D. PAYNE, visiting instructor, political science; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

DAVID A. PENRY, instructor, electrical and computer engineering; Princeton University.

BRENNAN C. PLATT, assistant professor, economics; University of Minnesota.

MARK R. PURVES, instructor, Germanic and Slavic Languages; University of Virginia.

JANI RADEBAUGH, assistant professor, geological sciences; postdoctoral at University of Arizona.

PAUL W. RICHARDS, assistant professor, civil and environmental engineering; former designer with Degenkolb Engineers of San Diego.

MAILE ANN ROGERS, visiting instructor, technology; BYU.

KRISTIE J. ROWLEY, assistant professor, sociology; Vanderbilt University.

KENT F. SCHULL, visiting instructor, history; University of California-Los Angeles.

BECKY L. SCHULTHIES, visiting instructor, anthropology; University of Arizona.

JAY D. SCHVANEVELDT, visiting professor, family life; faculty at Utah State University.

MATTHEW K. SEELEY, assistant professor, exercise sciences; University of Kentucky.

AARON H. SKABELUND, assistant professor, history; former faculty at Hokkaido University.

THOMAS S. SMITH, associate professor, plant and animal sciences; former researcher for U.S. Geological Survey.

STACEY SNIDER, visiting instructor, theatre and media arts; former part-time faculty at BYU.

N. ANDREW SPACKMAN, affiliate librarian, Harold B. Lee Library; former BYU administrative employee.

MARGARET C. TARKINGTON, visiting assistant professor, law school; Associate and Of Counsel, Wood Crapo, SLC.

PAMELA THOMPSON, assistant teaching professor, nursing; former associate attorney, Girards Law Firm.

LEONARD D. TOURNEY, associate professor, English; former faculty at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

STEPHEN B. TUTTLE, assistant professor, English; University of Utah.

JOSHUA A. UDALL, assistant professor, plant and animal sciences; postdoctoral at Iowa State.

ROBERT I. WAKEFIELD, associate professor, communications; former director of marketing at BYU-Hawaii.

CYNTHIA J. WALLIN, assistant professor, business management; Arizona State University.

SUSAN WALTON, associate teaching professor, communications; former director of corporate communications, Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

SARAH WARBURTON, visiting instructor, chemistry and biochemistry; BYU.

PETER J. WARD, instructor, recreation management and youth leadership; University of Utah.

RICHARD K. WATT, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry; former faculty at the University of New Mexico.

DUSTIN B. WILLIAMS, assistant clinical instructor, athletics; former intern with U.S. Olympic Committee.

ANNE GOLDEN WORSHAM, instructor, communications; University of Utah.

GEOFFREY A. WRIGHT, visiting instructor, technology; BYU.

MARC T. YAMADA, visiting assistant professor, Asian and Near Eastern Languages; University of California-Berkeley.

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