With lecture by BYU political science professor Valerie Hudson March 6
Parity, the Brigham Young University gender equality club, is hosting a lecture by Valerie Hudson, a BYU political science professor,on Thursday, March 6,in 3224 Wilkinson Student Center from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. The 30-minute lecture will look at women's issues throughout the world and what students can do to improve the status of women.
The lecture — which is supported by the BYU chapter of Amnesty International, Students for International Development, the Current Events Student Association and the BYU Democrats and Republicans — is part of international observances that will be going on this week, especially during International Women's Day on Saturday, March 8.
In addition, Parity is encouraging individuals to visit http://www.saynotoviolence.org/and sign the online petition and add their name to raise money for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). The United Nations Foundation has pledged to donate $1 to for each signature. This money will go toward an international anti-violence against women campaign.
Writer: Marissa Ballantyne