University Records Management has recently established a Web site— —allowing campus departments online access to the University Information and Records Retention Schedule, the University Records Management Handbook and other resources.
The retention schedule can now be electronically updated and kept current, as additional records series are added to the schedule. Hard copies of the retention schedule and handbook are also available if access to a computer is limited, or if a paper copy is more convenient
The retention schedule is a very valuable records management tool and the cornerstone of records keeping throughout the university. It is designed to establish procedures for campus departments regarding proper retention, disposition and storing of records. It also contains procedures for Records Center use, and helps departments:
Comply with local, state and federal law concerning records retention;
Reduce the amount of storage space and filing equipment needed for records storage;
Eliminate unnecessary handling of records;
Improve record retrieval efficiency; and
Provide control of records from creation to final disposition. The University Information and Records Retention Schedule applies to all university departments, offices, administrators, faculty and staff. Campus departments are encouraged to reference the retention schedule regularly to meet the legal, administrative, fiscal and historical records-keeping requirements of the university.
For more information, training or assistance, call Marcel Ramjoue, department chair, ext. 2-2161; Janet Heier, records center supervisor, ext. 2-6260; or visit the Web site listed above.