Eric Hyer, an associate professor of political science at Brigham Young University, will share his firsthand account as an election observer in Taiwan during March.
"Taiwan Undone: A Perspective from the Barricades on the Taiwan Elections of 3/20," an Area Focus Lecture, will take place on Thursday, April 1, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building. The public is welcome.
Hyer has had extensive experience in China, traveling and researching in the country from Taiwan to the Tibet and Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
He began his work with the Chinese language in Taiwan as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Following the completion of his mission, Hyer studied Chinese at the Beijing Language Institute, and later returned to China as a Fulbright scholar for the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing.
Hyer also serves as BYU's Special Country Focus liaison for China.
This lecture is sponsored by Asian Studies and the Current Events Student Association and will be archived online. For more information on Kennedy Center events, see the calendar and News and Events online at
Writer: Lee Simons