This fall Conferences and Workshops at Brigham Young University will offer a free six-session course, “Planning for Financial Security in Retirement,” for full-time BYU employees and their spouses.
“Planning for Financial Security at Retirement” (Business Management 205R) will begin Tuesday, Sept. 11. The course is presented twice a year by Scott Marsh, a financial planner and part-time faculty member in the Marriott School of Management.
The class will cover investing, mortgages, debt, successful financial strategies, BYU’s planning options, estate planning, America’s financial future and other important topics. Registration is now available online at
This one-credit university course was designed specifically for BYU employees and their spouses at the request of the BYU Human Resources Department.
For more information, contact Sharon Meyers at (801) 422-6701.
Writer: Preston Wittwer