Brigham Young University’s Men’s and Women’s Choruses will be performing Tuesday, Nov. 3, in the de Jong Concert Hall at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are available from the Fine Arts Ticket Office, (801) 422-4322, or by going online to Tickets cost $8-$11.
The Men’s Chorus will begin with “Hymns of Praise,” which will include “Praise the Lord, God’s Glories Show” by David Shelat and “Sing Praise to Him” by J. Harold Moyer. They will then perform a section called “Grant Us Peace,” which will include “Reconciliation” by Stephen Chatman and “Loving-Kindness” by Stephen Paulus. The Men’s Chorus is conducted by Rosalind Hall.
Lead by Jean Applonie, the Women’s Chorus will be singing a number of classical works including “Sanctus” by Agneta Skold, “No di voi no vo fidarmi” by G.F. Handel and “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” by Joseph P. Holbrook.
The choirs will combine for seven songs by Sir Arthur S. Sullivan, including “Dance a cachuca,” “Climbing Over Rocky Mountain” and “The One of Us Will be a Queen.” As half of the Gilbert and Sullivan duo, Sullivan wrote popular music for such hits as “The Pirates of Penzance,” “The Gondoliers” and “The Mikado.”
For more information regarding the performance, contact Ken Crossley at (801) 422-9348.
Writer: Brandon Garrett