Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management will host the inaugural Insyte Conference Friday, Feb. 6, for information systems and technology executives. Sponsored by BYU's Master of Information Systems Management program faculty in conjunction with the Rollins eBusiness Center at BYU and the Utah Information Technology Association, this conference will provide educational and networking activities in a vendor-free setting.
"The conference is designed as a forum where information systems executives can learn new insights, skills and techniques from specialists across the country," says Scott Summers, BYU associate professor of information systems. "Executives can engage in the free exchange of ideas among peers operating at the same level."
Chief information officers, chief technical officers and information technology officers and managers are invited to attend the high-impact, half-day conference. Registration is $129 and includes lunch and dinner. . A complete schedule and registration can be found online at
Registration and the conference keynote address begin at 12:30 p.m. in 710 Tanner Building at BYU. John Parady, CTO of Kelley Blue Book, will speak on how to move the IT function from the cost to the revenue side of the accounting function. He will be followed by panel discussions in the BYU Museum of Art. The discussions will be focused on strategy, security, BYU's Master of Information Systems Management program, and updates from the Utah Information Technology Association. Two of the panelists will be Doug Young of ExxonMobil and Harold Toomey of Symantec Corporation.
The Insyte Conference concludes with a banquet in the Museum of Art. This event gives attendees an opportunity to network with other senior-level technology executives.
Prior to the Insyte Conference, participants are also invited to join BYU faculty, alumni and students at BYU's semiannual eBusiness Day. This event will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Feb. 6. The theme of eBusiness Day is "E-Business Everywhere: Weaving a Wireless Web."
For more information visit the Web site or call (801) 422-3247.
Writer: Lauren Funk