Brigham Young University’s Center for Service and Learning will host the 101st year of Y-Days Monday through Friday, Oct. 13-17, with a week of sponsoring service activities and recruiting for campus service organizations.
BYU students will gather in the area between Brigham Square and the Harold B. Lee Library from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily where they will participate in a variety of service traditions, such as writing letters to missionaries or service members and knitting caps for children. In past years, many program directors representing campus service groups have been present to promote programs like Friday Kid’s Respite and Community Cleanup.
“We want students to have deeper experiences, we want them to walk away changed and moved,” said Nicole Te’o, community service coordinator at the Center for Service and Learning. “We want the student body to understand the tradition of Y-Days service through participating in and ingraining the spirit of service.”
The theme “Paint the Y with Service” stems from Y-Days of years past where students would gather to literally paint the “Y” on Y Mountain.
For more information, contact Nicole Te’o at (801) 422-4681.
Writer: Brady Toone