Career Placement Services at Brigham Young University will host a “brown bag” information session for male students interested in opportunities as U.S. military chaplains Thursday, Feb. 16, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in 2410 Wilkinson Student Center.
Chaplain Clay Anstead, U.S. Army chaplain for Utah, will offer details on the commissioned-officer program. Also, Frank Clawson of the Military Affairs Committee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will discuss specific Church-related issues.
The speakers will discuss in detail the need for LDS chaplains in all military services—the Army, Air Force, Navy, National Guard and Reserve components.
Anstead says interested students should be enrolled in a master’s program in social work, sociology, psychology, education counseling, family life or marriage, family, human development.
Candidates should also have served a two-year mission, be temple worthy, be endorsed by a stake president, pass the physical examination and have 24 credit hours of religion, including a six-hour BYU home-study course specifically for military chaplains.
For more information, contact Career Placement Services at (801) 422-3000.
Writer: Brian Rust