Maser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer explores significance of education
We've all come across an insufferable know-it-all who causes us to roll our eyes with exasperation.
"But when you stop to think about it," said John Lamb, associate chair of chemistry and biochemistry, at Tuesday's University Forum, "would knowing it all in real fact be such a bad thing?"
Honored as the 53rd Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, the most prestigious faculty award given by BYU, Lamb explored the eternal significance of education inside and outside the classroom and urged the audience to seek meaningful knowledge - as much as possible, for as long as possible.
"Let me encourage you to not only be diligent, but to be eclectic in your learning," he said. "We have faith. . .that reasonable, comprehensible answers exist for every question, just waiting for God to reveal them, and waiting for our capacity to rise to the occasion."
If you missed Lamb's address, it can be streamed on demand at and will be available on
Next Devotional Address
There will be no devotional next Tuesday. On Tuesday, June 3, Trenton Hickman, an associate chair in the English Department, will deliver the forum address at 11:05 am, in the de Jong Concert Hall.
Hickman's address will focus on how we can and should read, write and learn by the Spirit.
Writer: Paige Montgomery