One of the world's leading researchers in artificial intelligence, learning theory and cognitive science, Roger Schank, will present two seminars for Brigham Young University faculty and students Monday and Tuesday, June 2 and 3.
Schank will speak on “The Story-Centered Curriculum” on Monday, June 2, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., and will speak on “The Re-Organization of Schooling” on Tuesday, June 3, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Both lectures will be held in 115 David O. McKay Building.
Schank is president and CEO of Socratic Arts, a company devoted to making high-quality electronic learning affordable for both businesses and schools. In 1994, he founded Cognitive Arts Corporation, a company that designs and builds high quality multimedia simulations for use in corporate training and for online university-level courses.
He founded the renowned Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University, where he is the John P. Evans Professor Emeritus in Computer Science, Education and Psychology. He has also taught at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Paris VII, Stanford University and Yale University, where he directed the Yale Artificial Intelligence Project.
Schank is a fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, founder of the Cognitive Science Society, co-founder of the Journal of Cognitive Science and author of more than 25 books on learning, language, artificial intelligence, education, memory, reading, e-learning and story telling,
The David O. McKay School of Education, Center for Teaching and Learning and Center for Language Studies are co-sponsors of Schank’s visit.
For more information, contact Roxanna Johnson of the McKay School Dean’s Office at (801) 422-1922.
Writer: Marissa Ballantyne