“I often find myself pondering upon the blessings and power found in our covenant relationship with God,” shared Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, during Tuesday’s morning devotional.

“And today, I’ve felt to share five thoughts on the relief that Jesus Christ brings into our lives through our covenant relationship with God.”
First, there is relief in partnering with God. We are never alone.
There is much comfort that comes with knowing that because of a covenant relationship, one is never alone in their struggles, Sister Yee stated. Because of Christ’s Atonement, He is able to offer relief amidst sorrows, challenges, decisions, insecurities and weaknesses.
“No matter our marital status or background, the Lord desires us to partner with Him in a powerful way — to be ‘one’ with Him in ‘all our doings.’ We don’t need to navigate this life alone, and we weren’t meant to.”
Sister Lee taught that receiving the ordinances and covenants of the Savior’s gospel marks the beginning of a life spent building a relationship with God, by learning of Him and seeking Him. This relationship will only be possible if Christ is viewed as the center of each covenant made.
“When we feel His love and reciprocate that love by choosing Him each day, the gospel becomes less about checkboxes and more about love and desire,” Sister Yee said. “This allows real gospel roots to grow in us, which brings lasting nourishment and joy. This covenantal love helps us to endure when duty or checklists just aren’t enough.”
Second, there is relief in trusting in the Lord.
Over the years, Sister Yee has felt much uncertainty about her future. Over time, she has learned to allow the fear of the unknown to take a backseat to the certainty of the Lord’s presence. Trusting He would always guide her path, she has found that challenges have turned into valuable lessons.
“When you turn the unknowns, the hurt, the complexities, the unfairness, the difficult relationships and the next steps of your life to His care, He will walk beside you. And through your faith and His loving sacrifice, He will lead you along and turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones and make beauty from the ashes of your life.”

It can be nerve-wracking to wait for promised blessings, but Sister Yee testified that the Lord will always fulfill the promises He has made to His covenant children, in His own timing.
“All the blessings of Jesus Christ’s merciful Atonement are promised through your covenant relationship with God. Take Him up on His desires to bless you! Invest in that relationship.”
Third, we can find the Savior’s relief as we bring His relief to others.
In Sister Yee's life, ministering has brought constant blessings. Expressing gratitude for this covenant responsibility, she shared that in the midst of challenges, choosing to serve others and alleviate their pain has brought her relief as well.
“Many times the relief we need is given through those around us. And it doesn’t always look the way we think it should. As we offer our prayers for help, we also need to be open to how He is trying to answer those prayers!”
Fourth, we can find the Savior’s relief in our personal relationships.
God loves families deeply, and He longs to heal, bless and nurture their growth. Sister Yee promised that drawing nearer to God will allow for promptings from the Spirit, guiding us to enhance our relationships. These adjustments, big or small, bring divine blessings not only to one’s earthly family but also to those beyond the veil.
“When we develop our covenant relationship with God, all our other relationships are elevated,” said Sister Yee. “As we keep our covenants with all our hearts and worship in the house of the Lord, we receive strength and power to navigate and nurture our relationships with increased personal revelation, peace and divine help.”

Fifth, our covenant relationship with God can be a wellspring of relief.
Quoting President Russell M. Nelson, Sister Yee stated that “each person who makes covenants in baptismal fonts and in temples — and keeps them — has increased access to the power of Jesus Christ. Please ponder that stunning truth!”
“That power expands the resources and capacities inside you like a wellspring of living waters, which allows you to navigate and cope with the challenges of life and even helps you to receive joy amidst the difficulties,” Sister Yee said. “That power is manifest through the companionship of His Spirit.”