“When my parents told me to follow the prophet, do you think they fathomed the day when I would interpret that to mean follow the prophet’s social media account?” asked Pamela Jo Brubaker during her Tuesday morning devotional address.
Brubaker, an associate professor in the School of Communications, is familiar with the one-sided relationship often formed with celebrities and social media influencers. It is natural for individuals to look outside themselves for someone to emulate and relate to.

However, turning to celebrities, athletes and social media stars can be disappointing, Brubaker added, as they will never offer the love and comfort that Jesus Christ can provide.
“Jesus Christ is the most important influencer to have ever lived. He is the most important influencer you can subscribe to.”
Learning to make Christ the center of our lives is possible but requires much more than just expressing casual interest or clicking a "Follow" button, said Brubaker. It involves keeping His commandments and loving others as He loves them.
“Today, more than ever, Jesus Christ needs you to come and #FollowHim. He needs you to transform toxicity into tranquility and pandemonium into peace. He needs you to change the world one kind act at a time."
It can be easy to be distracted in our quest to become like Christ, Brubaker admitted. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He appeared as the Apostle Peter was fishing and asked Peter, “Lovest thou me?”
“Three times He repeats this question. Peter, most likely heartbroken, responded, ‘Thou knowest that I love thee.’”
Quoting Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who explained that the Lord wondered why Peter was fishing when the Lord needed Him ministering to His people by preaching the gospel, Brubaker asked “How many times do we go fishing when we should be serving?”
“Peter’s transformation was not a one-time event — it was a lifelong process,” she said. “Are we not all apprentices learning to follow the Master Teacher? As His students, we need to carefully study His words, follow His example and gain valuable experiences applying His teachings.”
Following Jesus Christ involves forgiving others and loving them. Brubaker shared the story of her paternal grandfather, Von Grundvig, who during World War II sent all the money he made to his grandmother, to support her. On returning home, he learned that all the money had been stolen.
Brubaker has been greatly influenced by the kindness and forgiveness her grandfather demonstrated when it would have been easy for him to become bitter. “I can remember my grandfather saying he hoped someone was able to use the money for a good purpose.”

“Becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-changing and life-altering experience. As each of us is going through a transformative process of becoming, we need to forgive more and judge less.”
As we strive to emulate Jesus Christ, we enhance our capacity to positively influence those around us. Brubaker emphasized the importance of standing up for each other, doing what we know is right and helping others to feel seen and heard.
“Each of us is running through life in a race that can feel lonely and difficult. What a blessing it is when others reach out and help us realize that no matter our weaknesses or personal failings, we belong.”
Brubaker testified that choosing to make Jesus Christ the main influence of our lives will be a great blessing.
“The more you get to know Jesus Christ, the more you will learn you are not engaging in a one-sided, fangirl or fanboy relationship. He knows you and He loves you, she said. “He will make you an influence for good.”