Manuela Guilherme, a senior researcher in the School of Economics at the University of Coimbra in Portugal, will present a Global Awareness Lecture titled “‘Glocal’ Languages: Critical Perspectives on Interculturality, Cosmopolitanism and Citizenship” Wednesday, Oct. 12, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building at Brigham Young University.
Her publications include “Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics,” “Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Language and Intercultural Communication” and “The role of Intercultural Communication/Interaction Education in Modern Languages Departments.”
In 2001, she received the Birkmaier Award from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Journal of Modern Languages for her research in language/culture education. She also received the California Foreign Language Teaching Profession Award for distinguished contributions to the study of languages and cultures.
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Writer: Angela Fischer