Women's Services and Resources at Brigham Young University will sponsor a motherhood and careers symposium Saturday, Jan. 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Wilkinson Student Center Garden Court on the BYU campus.
The symposium, "Making Your Contribution," is free and open to the public.
Women's Services and Resources hope to help women understand the following concepts through the symposium:
A woman has choice in directing the course of her life.
A woman can receive guidance as to what is right for her through the Holy Ghost.
A woman's education is important no matter what her mission in life may be. Speakers at the symposium will include Aaron Jackson and Ellie Young, assistant professors in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education; Kim Lovejoy, a graduate student at BYU; and a panel of mothers discussing different applications of their education.
Refreshments will follow the symposium. For more information, contact Amy Gerritsen at Women's Services and Resources at (801) 422-4877.
Writer: Thomas H. Grover